Our Mission

Mission Statement

We have a two fold mission. With the overwhelming majority of foster children traveling with their belongings in trash bags, part of our mission is to give what little dignity we can and trade there trash bag with a durable duffle bag. The second, and arguably the most important part of our mission is to give them a message of hope. These children are going through a hopeless and lonely period in their lives, we must not let them believe they are alone, forgotten, or that their is no hope. We provide this message of hope by embroidering (its permanent) Joshua 1:9 to each and every bag;
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Along with every duffle bag we freely offer a colorfully tabbed Bible to every recipient.


If you are looking to involve yourself in a worthy cause, please consider ours! The Duffle Bag Project (DBP) has provided embroidered bags and tabbed Bibles to children throughout the United States, Uganda, and Pakistan. Our nonprofit has no borders. We aim provide what dignity and hope we can worldwide.

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