Our Team

Karinna Hall

Founder - President

Duffle Bag Project not only touches a physical need of a foster child but also a heart need. I believe our mission can be a tiny light in a foster child’s life, and that is why I am part of the DBP movement.

k[email protected]



I am humbled and honored to be a part of this ministry. I joined Duffle Bag Project to share the Gospel with children going through incredibly trying times. I love that we are able to do so while also filling a very practical need for these kids.



I wanted to help with the Duffle Bag Project when I first heard about it. I knew we could not foster in our own home at the time, but most certainly could assist in a different practical way. Helping children have something they can call their very own is so important. I am thrilled to be on the board on such a worthwhile project!

d[email protected]

Michelle Humphreys

The first time I heard about DBP I knew I had to help. I shared with my husband and he agreed and we became monthly donors. I am so thankful to be a part of such a great organization working on behalf of children. I feel The Lord lead me here.

[email protected]

board member

Sherry Venters

Embroidery Team Leader

I am part of the Duffle Bag Project because I want to give a sense of dignity to children on one of the worst days of their life… removal day. I pray that when they receive our bag they feel loved and special.


Cheryl Boyd

Officer, Secretary

I feel so blessed that God put this ministry in my path. The Duffle Bag Project’s mission touched my heart and desire to volunteer with my time and resources as God has provided. I’m thankful to be a small part of sharing God’s love and spreading His word near and far to as many children as possible.

Cherie Norris

Donee Coordinator

I chose to be a part of Duffle Bag Project at first because there was a need and I was capable and available to fill that need. We were tabbing Bibles at a MomLife event and I thought “I can do this on a regular basis! I love Busy work and it fills a need at the same time!” Volunteering to tab Bibles turned into being a trained to embroider duffle bags which I also enjoy doing because I know that the children who are receiving these bags will be blessed by them. God has placed this ministry in my path and I want to be obedient to His call with whatever talents He has given me. 

c[email protected]

Dr. Mark Norris

Research & Development Coordinator

Jesus Christ teaches the importance of caring for those in need. We are to show love and compassion to others, especially the vulnerable and marginalized. This ministry inspired me to live out my faith by caring for those in distress, especially these younger ones who need hope and dignity. 

[email protected]

Karinna Hall

Founder - President

Duffle Bag Project not only touches a physical need of a foster child but also a heart need. I believe our mission can be a tiny light in a foster child’s life, and that is why I am part of the DBP movement.



I am humbled and honored to be a part of this ministry. I joined Duffle Bag Project to share the Gospel with children going through incredibly trying times. I love that we are able to do so while also filling a very practical need for these kids.



I wanted to help with the Duffle Bag Project when I first heard about it. I knew we could not foster in our own home at the time, but most certainly could assist in a different practical way. Helping children have something they can call their very own is so important. I am thrilled to be on the board on such a worthwhile project!



I am part of the benevolent Duffle Bag Project because I believe in their enthusiastic goals of reaching children worldwide with the gospel while also assisting with some of their practical needs. It is a privilege to be on their Board in an administrative capacity.

Without our volunteers we would not be where we are today. Through countless hours and effort we have been able to bring the impactful love of God to children by providing hundreds of embroidered bags and tabbed Bibles!

Although our ministry is primarily focused on reaching foster children, we have also been blessed to gift other individuals in need. With donations of clothing and toys we have been able to gift single mother’s in need, and refugees.

Karinna Hall

Karinna Hall

Founder - President

Duffle Bag Project not only touches a physical need of a foster child but also a heart need. I believe our mission can be a tiny light in a foster child's life, and that is why I am part of the DBP movement.

Sam Hall

Sam Hall

Founder - Vice President

I am humbled and honored to be a part of this ministry. I joined Duffle Bag Project to share the Gospel with children going through incredibly trying times. I love that we are able to do so while also filling a very practical need for these kids.

Dayna Morgan

Dayna Morgan

Board Member - Treasurer

I wanted to help with the Duffle Bag Project when I first heard about it. I knew we could not foster in our own home at the time, but most certainly could assist in a different practical way. Helping children have something they can call their very own is so important. I am thrilled to be on the board on such a worthwhile project!

Mary Vlandis

Mary Vlandis

Board Member - Secretary

I am part of the benevolent Duffle Bag Project because I believe in their enthusiastic goals of reaching children worldwide with the gospel while also assisting with some of their practical needs. It is a privilege to be on their Board in an administrative capacity.


If you are looking to involve yourself in a worthy cause, please consider ours! The Duffle Bag Project (DBP) has provided embroidered bags and tabbed Bibles to children throughout the United States, Uganda, and Pakistan. Our nonprofit has no borders. We aim provide what dignity and hope we can worldwide.

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